Aslı Erdoğan'la ilk deneyimim Kırmızı Pelerinli Kent'te oldu. Bu kent çok yakında durdu hep. Çok ıslak çok sıcak. Çok kokan. Yazarın kendisini izledim ister istemez tüm "film" boyunca. Garip soğuk bir dili var. Soğuk ve uzak ama bir o kadar da içinde lakin mütecaviz değil fakat gene de rahatsız edici olmayı başarıyor. Saldıracağım, kışkıracağım noktada uzak; uzak durduğunu sandığım noktada midem bulanıyor. Ama soğuk, her yerde gördüğüm fotoğrafları gibi soğuk. Sokakta gördüğüm incecik bacakları ve kocaman, bakmayan gözleri gibi soğuk dili de.
Kırmızı Pelerinli Kent'i bir nefeste bitirdim. Öyle olması gerekiyordu. Özgür'ün ölümüne bir an evvel varmak gerekiyordu. Kitabın başından itibaren Özgür'ün ölümüne koşarak okudum. Ölünce rahatladım ve bitti roman.
İkinci tecrübem de Taş Bina ve Diğerleri'yle oldu. "Şiddetle yüzleşmek istedim" diyor bu kitabı için. Yüzleşirken kendi içine çok zarar verdiğini hissettim ben okurken. Sanki hiç sesini çıkarmaksızın, ter içinde tenine bastırdığı bıçağı, çok yavaşça aşağılara doğru sokup, akan kana ve büyüyen acıya aldırmadan çevirip içinde dolaştırmış gibi...
"Şiirsel düzyazı"
Kitabı sesli okudum. Şiir okur gibi ama tekrar eden ve virgüllerle uzayan betimlemeler, benzetmeler çok yorucuydu. Yorucu olması gerekiyordu belki de. İşkence, uzun uzun anlatılmış olunuyordu belki de böylece. Cümleler bu yüzden bu kadar devrik, virgüller bu kadar çoğunluktaydı. Her hikayede tekrar eden hisler, paragraflar, renkler ve kokular, isimler ve tamlamalar; her işkenceden sonsuza dek kalacak olan izler gibiydiler. Taş Bina'da dili bana giderek daha da soğuk geldi. Bu soğukluk, tekrarlar ve virgüllerle uzayan tasvirler arttıkça daha da sinir bozucu oldu benim için. Neden sinir bozucu olsun? Bilmiyorum.
Ama Kırmızı Pelerinli Kent'ten tekrarlar bile vardı Taş Bina ve Diğerleri'nde, sanki birbirlerinin ardıllarıymış gibi. Bu rahatsız etti beni belki. Belki her farklı kitapta farklı şeyler bekledim ondan ama bana çok benzer geldiler diye.
Fakat büyük bir fark var ikisi arasında. İlki film ama ikincisi film olarak kaydolamayacak kadar soyut ve edebi. Anladın mı ne demek istediğimi? Okumadan anlıyamazsın şüphesiz ama okuyunca bir dinle beni...Taş Bina ve Diğerleri'nde soğuk bir alacakaranlık rengi var, koku var, anlar var ya da belki kareler. Yer yer hareketli yer yer sabit kareler, fotoğraflar hatta belki de soyut çizimler, imgeler. Devamlılığını film devamlılığıyla sağlamıyor bu kitap. Öyküler içlerinde, dağılıp parçalanmış ama hala tam anlamıyla bozulmamış bir örümcek ağıyla bağlılar birbirlerine. O örümcek ağı görünmez ama yapış yapışlığı hissediliyor, görünmüyor incecik ama koluna orana burana deydiğini hissedip boşluğun içinde hareketler yaparak kurtulmaya çalışıyorsun. Evet böyle bir hissi var o uzun ve ağdalı ve virgüllü cümlelerin. Ağıııırrr, balçıklııı, yapışkannn ama görünmez.
Aynen "soğuk ama içinde" demem gibi.
Şimdi şu yazdıklarımdan birşey anlamıyan birisi bana son kertede mutlaka, ne sorduğunu hiç düşünmeksizin "peki ama beğendin mi beğenmedin mi anlamadım ben?" diye soracak sanki. Ben de ona bunun neden önemli olduğunu soracağım. Beğenip beğenmediğimi duyduğunda mı bu kitapla ilgili fikri netleşmiş olacak sanki?
Ne saçma alışkanlıklar. Durup düşünmek gerek, yürek grisi ne demek diye...
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Jet of Blood (The Spurt of Blood ) - Antonin Artaud
YOUNG MAN: I love you and everything is beautiful.
YOUNG GIRL: [With quavering voice] You love me and everything is beautiful.
YOUNG MAN: [In a lower tone] I love you and everything is beautiful.
YOUNG GIRL: [In an even lower tone] You love me and everything is beautiful.
YOUNG MAN: [Leaving her abruptly] I love you. [Silence] Face me.
YOUNG GIRL: [As before standing opposite him] There.
YOUNG MAN: [In an exalted high-pitched voice] I love you. I am great, I am lucid, I am full, I am dense.
YOUNG GIRL: [In the same high-pitched voice] We love each other.
YOUNG MAN: We are intense. Ah, how beautifully the world is built.
[Silence. There is a noise as if an immense wheel were turning and moving the air. A hurricane separates them. At the same time, two Stars are seen colliding and from them fall a series of legs of living flesh with feet, hands, scalps, masks, colonnades, porticos, temples, alembics, falling more and more slowly, as if falling in a vacuum: then three scorpions one after another and finally a frog and a beetle which come to rest with desperate slowness, nauseating slowness]
YOUNG MAN: [Crying with all his strength] The sky has gone mad.
[He looks at the sky] Let’s hurry away from here.
[He pushes the Young Girl before him]
[Enter a medieval Knight in gigantic armor, followed by a Wet-Nurse holding her breasts in her hands and puffing because her breasts are swollen]
KNIGHT: Let go of your tits. Give me my papers.
WET-NURSE: [Screaming in high-pitch] Ah! Ah! Ah!
KNIGHT: Damn, what’s the matter with you?
WET-NURSE: Our daughter, there, with him.
KNIGHT: Quiet, there’s no girl there.
WET-NURSE: I’m telling you that they’re screwing.
KNIGHT: What the Hell do I care if they’re screwing?
WET-NURSE: Incest.
KNIGHT: Midwife.
WET-NURSE: [Plunging her hands deep into her pockets which are as big as her breasts] Pimp.
[She throws his papers at him]
KNIGHT: Let me eat.
[The Wet-Nurse rushes out] [He gets up and from each paper he takes a huge hunk of Swiss cheese. Suddenly he coughs and chokes]
KNIGHT: [With full mouth] Ehp. Ehp. Show me your breasts. Show me your breasts. Where did she go?
[He runs out] [The Young Man comes back]
YOUNG MAN: I saw, I knew, I understood. Here on a public street, the priest, the cobbler, the peddler the entrance to the church, the red light of the brothel, the scales of justice. I can’t stand it any longer!
[Like shadows, a Priest, a Cobbler, a Beadle, a Bawd, a Judge, a Peddler, arrive on stage]
YOUNG MAN: I’ve lost her: give her back to me.
ALL: [In different tones] Who, who, who, who.
YOUNG MAN: My wife.
BEADLE: [Very fat] Your wife, you’re kidding!
YOUNG MAN: Kidding! Maybe she’s yours!
BEADLE: [Tapping his forehead] Maybe she is.
[He runs out] [The Priest leaves the group and puts his arm around the neck of the Young Man]
PRIEST: [As if confessing someone.] To what part of your body do you refer most often?
[Confused by the reply the Priest immediately shifts to a Swiss accent]
PRIEST: [In Swiss accent] But that isn’t done any more. We no longer hear through that ear. You have to ask that of volcanoes and earthquakes. We wallow in the little obscenities of man in the confession-box. That’s life.
YOUNG MAN: [Much impressed] Ah that’s life! Then everything is shot to hell.
PRIEST: [Still with Swiss accent] Of course.
[At this moment night suddenly falls on stage. The earth quakes. There is furious thunder and zig-zags of lightning in every direction through the zig-zags all the characters can be seen running around bumping into each other and falling then getting up and running about like crazy. Then an enormous hand seizes the Bawd by her hair, which bursts into flame and grows huge before our eyes]
HUGE VOICE: Bitch, look at your body!
[The Bawd’s body is seen to be absolutely naked and hideous beneath her blouse and skirt, which become transparent as glass]
BAWD: Leave me alone, God.
[She bites God in the wrist. An immense spurt of blood lacerates the Stage, and through the biggest flash of lightning the Priest can be seen making the sign of the cross. When the lights go on again all the characters are dead, and their corpses lie all over the ground. Only the Young Man and the Bawd remain devouring each other with their eyes. The Bawd falls into the Young Man's arms]
BAWD: [With the sigh of one having an orgasm] Tell me how it happened to you.
[The Young Man hides his head in his hands. The Wet-nurse comes back carrying the Young Girl under her arm like a bundle. The young Girl is dead. The Bawd drops her on the ground where she collapses and becomes flat as a pancake. The Wet-Nurse no longer has her breasts. Her chest is completely flat]
KNIGHT: [In a terrible voice] Where did you put them? Give me my Swiss cheese.
WET-NURSE: [Boldly and gaily] Here you are.
[She lifts up her dress. The Young Man wants to run away but he is frozen like a petrified puppet]
YOUNG MAN: [As if suspended in the air and with the voice of a ventriloquist] Don’t hurt Mommy!
KNIGHT: She-devil!
[He hides his face in horror. A multitude of scorpions crawl out from beneath the Wet-Nurse’s dress and swarm between her legs. Her vagina swells up splits and becomes transparent and glistening like a sun. The Young Man and Bawd run off as though lobotomized]
YOUNG GIRL: [Getting up dazed] The virgin! Ah that’s what he was looking for.
YOUNG MAN: I love you and everything is beautiful.
YOUNG GIRL: [With quavering voice] You love me and everything is beautiful.
YOUNG MAN: [In a lower tone] I love you and everything is beautiful.
YOUNG GIRL: [In an even lower tone] You love me and everything is beautiful.
YOUNG MAN: [Leaving her abruptly] I love you. [Silence] Face me.
YOUNG GIRL: [As before standing opposite him] There.
YOUNG MAN: [In an exalted high-pitched voice] I love you. I am great, I am lucid, I am full, I am dense.
YOUNG GIRL: [In the same high-pitched voice] We love each other.
YOUNG MAN: We are intense. Ah, how beautifully the world is built.
[Silence. There is a noise as if an immense wheel were turning and moving the air. A hurricane separates them. At the same time, two Stars are seen colliding and from them fall a series of legs of living flesh with feet, hands, scalps, masks, colonnades, porticos, temples, alembics, falling more and more slowly, as if falling in a vacuum: then three scorpions one after another and finally a frog and a beetle which come to rest with desperate slowness, nauseating slowness]
YOUNG MAN: [Crying with all his strength] The sky has gone mad.
[He looks at the sky] Let’s hurry away from here.
[He pushes the Young Girl before him]
[Enter a medieval Knight in gigantic armor, followed by a Wet-Nurse holding her breasts in her hands and puffing because her breasts are swollen]
KNIGHT: Let go of your tits. Give me my papers.
WET-NURSE: [Screaming in high-pitch] Ah! Ah! Ah!
KNIGHT: Damn, what’s the matter with you?
WET-NURSE: Our daughter, there, with him.
KNIGHT: Quiet, there’s no girl there.
WET-NURSE: I’m telling you that they’re screwing.
KNIGHT: What the Hell do I care if they’re screwing?
WET-NURSE: Incest.
KNIGHT: Midwife.
WET-NURSE: [Plunging her hands deep into her pockets which are as big as her breasts] Pimp.
[She throws his papers at him]
KNIGHT: Let me eat.
[The Wet-Nurse rushes out] [He gets up and from each paper he takes a huge hunk of Swiss cheese. Suddenly he coughs and chokes]
KNIGHT: [With full mouth] Ehp. Ehp. Show me your breasts. Show me your breasts. Where did she go?
[He runs out] [The Young Man comes back]
YOUNG MAN: I saw, I knew, I understood. Here on a public street, the priest, the cobbler, the peddler the entrance to the church, the red light of the brothel, the scales of justice. I can’t stand it any longer!
[Like shadows, a Priest, a Cobbler, a Beadle, a Bawd, a Judge, a Peddler, arrive on stage]
YOUNG MAN: I’ve lost her: give her back to me.
ALL: [In different tones] Who, who, who, who.
YOUNG MAN: My wife.
BEADLE: [Very fat] Your wife, you’re kidding!
YOUNG MAN: Kidding! Maybe she’s yours!
BEADLE: [Tapping his forehead] Maybe she is.
[He runs out] [The Priest leaves the group and puts his arm around the neck of the Young Man]
PRIEST: [As if confessing someone.] To what part of your body do you refer most often?
[Confused by the reply the Priest immediately shifts to a Swiss accent]
PRIEST: [In Swiss accent] But that isn’t done any more. We no longer hear through that ear. You have to ask that of volcanoes and earthquakes. We wallow in the little obscenities of man in the confession-box. That’s life.
YOUNG MAN: [Much impressed] Ah that’s life! Then everything is shot to hell.
PRIEST: [Still with Swiss accent] Of course.
[At this moment night suddenly falls on stage. The earth quakes. There is furious thunder and zig-zags of lightning in every direction through the zig-zags all the characters can be seen running around bumping into each other and falling then getting up and running about like crazy. Then an enormous hand seizes the Bawd by her hair, which bursts into flame and grows huge before our eyes]
HUGE VOICE: Bitch, look at your body!
[The Bawd’s body is seen to be absolutely naked and hideous beneath her blouse and skirt, which become transparent as glass]
BAWD: Leave me alone, God.
[She bites God in the wrist. An immense spurt of blood lacerates the Stage, and through the biggest flash of lightning the Priest can be seen making the sign of the cross. When the lights go on again all the characters are dead, and their corpses lie all over the ground. Only the Young Man and the Bawd remain devouring each other with their eyes. The Bawd falls into the Young Man's arms]
BAWD: [With the sigh of one having an orgasm] Tell me how it happened to you.
[The Young Man hides his head in his hands. The Wet-nurse comes back carrying the Young Girl under her arm like a bundle. The young Girl is dead. The Bawd drops her on the ground where she collapses and becomes flat as a pancake. The Wet-Nurse no longer has her breasts. Her chest is completely flat]
KNIGHT: [In a terrible voice] Where did you put them? Give me my Swiss cheese.
WET-NURSE: [Boldly and gaily] Here you are.
[She lifts up her dress. The Young Man wants to run away but he is frozen like a petrified puppet]
YOUNG MAN: [As if suspended in the air and with the voice of a ventriloquist] Don’t hurt Mommy!
KNIGHT: She-devil!
[He hides his face in horror. A multitude of scorpions crawl out from beneath the Wet-Nurse’s dress and swarm between her legs. Her vagina swells up splits and becomes transparent and glistening like a sun. The Young Man and Bawd run off as though lobotomized]
YOUNG GIRL: [Getting up dazed] The virgin! Ah that’s what he was looking for.
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